"With better educated citizens, our country will more effectively meet the needs of our citizens as we ask more from ourselves, and demand more quality and effective programs from our schools and government."

​Honoring our childrens' learning styles to best fit their chosen lifestyle for a well-informed, shared prosperous future

"Consent of the governed . . . and creating a better future for our children is our clear, guiding intention at Resolute Action."


About Us

In a representative republic, the education of our children must be of the utmost importance!
— James Monroe

What Really Matters

Ravey Kierann is the Managing Director and Founder of Resolute Action. Whatever we're doing culturally and nationally needs to change as our educational system, economy and financial system, and constitutional rights are methodically hollowed-out to benefit the few instead of more effectively serving the common good.

After years of hearing: big box retailers need employees who are able to make change at the register correctly - even when the register tells the cashier how much to give; people voicing their concern about their privacy rights from government electronic surveillance to illegal law enforcement searches all without warrants from domestic courts; high school and college graduates unable to make a decent living due to high levels of year-on-year inflation levels; along with many people wanting to learn more about the US Constitution yet many lack the basic reading skills to understand this fundamental document; now is the moment to counter these trends and make a positive difference together.

At best, all these elements viewed together into a cohesive, integrated whole makes you wonder how as a culture - and as a nation - how can we survive the march of time without basic educational, financial, and constitutional literacy?

All the above reasons are precisely why Resolute Action was founded. Resolute Action is wholeheartedly committed to countering these trends through a pragmatic and integrated, make-sense approach directly addressing educational, financial, and constitutional literacy. 

There are zero excuses why many Americans are unable to perform basic math, unable to read with comprehension, lack the basic independent thinking skills and literacy skills to reason independently through a situation or a concept presented to them in daily life situations, and unable to earn a decent living after a high school or college education due to year-on-year, high inflation levels. Few even understand the United States is the largest and wealthiest economy in the world immersed in a representative, national government where their privacy rights are clearly established in our United States Constitution.

Answering this trend, it's abundantly clear educating our young and other interested parties is the only way to counter - and effectively change - this pattern. Through a make-sense educational approach, we'll help to insure a shared future with sustainable, economic prosperity instead of continuing to tear our social fabric as a people and as a nation founded on personal freedom with a representative government intended to embody, consent of the governed. Together, we'll make a positive difference through Resolute Action.

Authored under the name of Charles Dangler, Ravey Kierann's book, entitled The Pacific Rim Region: A World Marketplace Approach Through Trade and Investment, clearly defines and quantifies the entire Pacific Rim Region for investors and businesses for use in the global marketplace. He also designed and instructed pragmatic courses relating to the global marketplace and the Pacific Rim Region at the University of Washington. Ravey is also an international business consultant for over fifteen years. His area of specialization includes the Pacific Rim Region, Latin America, and India with respect to conditions and trends - country, regional, and global - in terms of management options and direct investments.

Ravey was a Founding Board Member, and the Government and Legislative Affairs Chair for the International Association for Structural Integrators (IASI). The IASI is the professional association for Structural Integrators which maintains the standard of excellence through certification for member practitioners, and fosters an open exchange for leading-edge research in the Structural Integration profession. Ravey is also a Rolfer-Structural Integrator, a specialized physical therapist, with a family practice located in Washington State.

Early in his career, Ravey was a commercial mortgage banker and broker responsible for land acquisition, development, and construction mortgage loans.

Ravey earned his Master's degree in international affairs at the Center for International Studies at Ohio University specializing in Pacific Rim Region Trade and Latin American economic development. He attended Florida State University and earned his Bachelor's degree at The Evergreen State College located in Olympia, Washington, in international political economy. International political economy honors cultural beliefs and national values as it directly relates to government, economics, business, and international relations. From the rise and fall of civilizations — to exploring cultural beliefs and national values — underscores Ravey's interests in how our natural environment influences human management styles in terms of political and economic development patterns.

Ravey lives with his family on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.

Resolute, adj. firmly or strongly determined.

Action, n. 1.the process or state of acting. 2. act or deed. 3. actions, conduct. 4. energetic activity. 5. effect or influence. 6. a way of moving: the action of a machine.7. a mechanism by which something is operated. 8. a military combat. 9. a proceeding in a court of justice: to bring action.

Generating sustainable and genuine change, Resolute Action fosters educational, financial, and constitutional literacy to improve our daily lives socially, economically, and politically in the United States.

Through our educational programs and information resources, Resolute Action provides the essential tools to induce practical change in our schools, financially, and with respect to calling on our government to uphold our Constitutional rights.

Consent of the governed - a time honored proposition embodied in our Declaration of Independence - and creating a better future for our children is our clear, guiding intention at Resolute Action.

Honoring and utilizing different learning styles and independent, self-reliant thinking skills (ISRTS, pronounced "eye-certus"), coupled with financial and constitutional literacy, our efforts will create a more educated citizenry.

With better educated citizens, our country will more effectively meet the needs of our citizens as we ask more from ourselves, and demand more quality and effective programs from our schools and government. This is precisely why we need to expand beyond the weak educational base we have in the United States today. Clearly, with a stronger, sound educational base, our country could have avoided this weakened government and economic window we are now passing through.

Our government is simply reflective of the people it represents. Better educated citizens equates to a more dynamic, make-sense government coupled with a vibrant, responsive economy.

We understand our best, practical hope embraces educating our younger people and providing practical, effective educational opportunities for other individuals willing to make a positive, sustainable difference in our daily lives. We also understand this approach is more effective than 2, 4, and 6 year government-elected, office holders' actions. Clearly, what ever we're doing is other than efficacious in meeting specific needs of our citizenry.

Through Resolute Action, we'll make a positive, sustainable difference through better educating ourselves, and as a direct result, providing for a more educated and prosperous future. Our personal liberties, a more prosperous and equitable economy, and a government more representative of those governed will thrive best with better, well-educated citizens.

You are welcome to join our efforts at Resolute Action and help us make a positive difference.

Resolute Action is a non-profit organization located in Washington State. Our Board of Trustees is diversified and includes members from education, finance, economics, and health care.

Your comments, financial contributions, willingness to help at workshops, and in other capacities are all welcome.

We look forward to meeting you.

All the best,

Resolute Action